
Bilderblock photo theme

I had implemented my photo blog with Wordpress some years ago, primarily as a practical exercise on how Wordpress and I would fit.

Long story short: We didn’t. And I suppose we won’t. While it is true that Wordpress is fine if you need something quickly, from all recent experience, Drupal is my favorite regarding security, constraints and maintainability. (Also, I can now use an existing Drupal multi-site cluster, which reduces efforts again.)

LAMP based dynamic DNS over HTTP(s) on premises

For internal infrastructure tasks, we needed a simple, robust and reliable tool for dynamic DNS updates.

We were not aware of any DDNS provider completely meeting our requirements. Neither did various approaches out in the wild. Also we prefer processing sensitive data on premises anyway. In the end, I decided to refactor a set of legacy tools I once had quickly written (and which soon had become a “persistent interim” for some years).

besser bier brauen

With increasing user counts, desire for more features grew constantly. Soon after brauherr.de’s first launch as a portal, it became clear that complex projects as this one need either good patronage  or far more volunteers. For a good-will project with, if at all, some educational benefit this leaves few alternatives to an open source system, ideally one with a vast contributing community.

Tu Disch Nisch Aufregen

„TDNA” was primarily intended as a training job with, at that time, still new object oriented Win32 Delphi IDE. Incidentally, a graphical IDE for developing really useful and performant native GUI applications still was not a matter of course in the late 1990’s. (While today, students hardly learn to code without any graphical IDE at all.) At the same time, TDNA was my first and only sidestep into the shareware market.